Adult Name Change in South Carolina

The Atkins Law Firm, P.A. can assist you with handling your legal name change in South Carolina. 

There are several administrative matters that must be taken care of prior to filing the petition for a legal name change such as obtaining a criminal background check and a report from the Department of Social Services indicating whether you are listed on their registry of child abuse or neglect.

Often times, a name change will require a hearing before a Family Court judge before the request will be granted.

If you would like to schedule a consultation to discuss the possibilities of having your name legally changed in South Carolina, please contact our office using this short form or by call us at 864-558-0512 or use the form below to schedule your consultation to discuss the South Carolina name change process and get specific questions South Carolina name change answered about your case by a Greenville, SC family lawyer.

During this meeting we can get to know one another better and we can mutually determine if our representation is best for you and your family..

Name Change Discussed on the Blog

Process for a Legal Name Change in South Carolina